The perfect pure alfalfa fibre feed for fuelling work or promoting condition in horses and ponies that are prone to laminitis.
Naturally low in sugar and starch, Alfa-A Molasses Free contains no added sugar, is molasses and preservative free and is approved by The Laminitis Trust.
Key Features
Alfa-A Molasses Free is a medium calorie fibre feed, providing 11.5MJ/kg DE from fibre and oil, which is comparable to a medium energy mix or cube, but without the sugar and starch
On average, Alfa-A Molasses Free is 10 x lower in starch than a typical medium energy mix or cube
Alfa-A Molasses Free is suitable for horses and ponies that require a low sugar and starch ration such as those prone to laminitis or muscle problems
Alfa-A Molasses Free includes real mint, fenugreek and alfalfa pellets for interest and taste
Alfa-A Molasses Free contains no added sugar and naturally provides 2% starch and 4.5% sugar which is approximately half the level of sugar compared to average hay