Wholesome and meaty raw nuggets made with chicken and salmon dog food. A healthy complete and nutritionally balanced raw meal for dogs. Pack size 1kg. Approximately 58 nuggets per pack.Our frozen Chicken and Salmon dog food nuggets are a delicious blend of tasty, nutritious vegetables and wholesome brown rice. Our raw chicken with salmon dog food nuggets are an obvious choice for many owners. Chicken is packed with vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids, as well as being easy on digestion and a tasty source of protein. It’s easy to understand why dogs love it.Our raw, freshly frozen chicken and salmon dog food nuggets are simple to serve with parboiled brown rice added, to provide your dog with a healthy source of carbohydrate, rich in minerals and vitamin B. Our nuggets provide your dog with everything they need and nothing they don’t, with no surprises. We're proud to use the highest quality, natural ingredients that you can see, understand and trust. All our 60/40 recei